Gametech STMM MMTC Graduate Profile
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Hi guys, especially my game developer friends on campus! Have you thought about what you will do after graduation? Do you have a plan? Are you interested in becoming a programmer? What have you done to develop your skills as a programmer, such as creating projects or diligently coding? However, the question is, is that enough? With your current skills, who would want to hire you? There are hundreds or thousands of people with similar skills, so what makes you irreplaceable?...
Assosiation Asosiasi Game Indonesia (AGI) Asosiasi Game Indonesia (AGI) is an organisation whose aim is to accelerate the growth of the Indonesian video game industry. Indie Games Group Indonesia (IGGI) A virtual community for Game Developers in Indonesia that aims to connect GameDevs at all levels. IGDA Indonesia The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) is the world’s largest nonprofit membership organization serving all individuals who create games. General Community Game Developer ID GameDeveloper....
When presenting your game to publishers, the primary objective of your pitch is to effectively communicate your game and convince stakeholders of its grand vision. Understanding the types of game pitch decks and the key components that publishers expect can significantly enhance your chances of securing their interest and support. Types of Game Pitch Decks: Presenting pitch deck: This type of pitch is used for direct presentations to individuals or groups and should be concise and straightforward....
The game industry is a challenging and complex field, and having the right mindset is crucial for survival and success. It’s important to have clear goals and start by giving our maximum effort, even if it seems small. Here are some key mindsets to cultivate in order to thrive in the game industry: Technical skills are not enough While technical skills are important, they alone are not sufficient to make a living or build a career in the game industry....