Hi guys, especially my game developer friends on campus! Have you thought about what you will do after graduation? Do you have a plan? Are you interested in becoming a programmer? What have you done to develop your skills as a programmer, such as creating projects or diligently coding?

However, the question is, is that enough? With your current skills, who would want to hire you? There are hundreds or thousands of people with similar skills, so what makes you irreplaceable? Where is your uniqueness?

What gets in the way of your efforts? Is it mood, procrastination, time management, other people, environment, or opportunity? This discussion is not to patronize or give advice, but rather to be a moment of invitation for you to train yourself, build positive habits for yourself and others.

This is not just a pep talk, but also a practical guide that can be implemented. Remember, make a habit not by being told, but by being trained.

Why not talk about technical stuff?

Why don’t we talk about technical stuff like Unity or Blender tutorials? Because tutorials can be learned anytime and anywhere. We can figure it out on our own. We have provided resources that can help you with this.

The question is, there are millions of articles and videos on the internet, but why don’t you know? Maybe it’s because you haven’t looked for it or you don’t want to look for it. The way to know? Find out. How do you do that? Have a habit of finding out.

Table of Contents

  • How the World Works (Complex)

Why is it important? To understand how to measure potential.

  • How Humans Work (Habits)

Why is it important? To maximize your potential.

  • How Programmers Work (Pragmatic)
  • How Unity Works (Components)

Fair Play & Unfair Advantage


Fair Play

A must-have for survival that everyone can emulate.

  • Willpower
  • Hard Work
  • Consistency
  • Growth Mindset

Unfair Advantage

A position-defining factor that not everyone can replicate.

  • Money
  • Intelligence & Insight
  • Location & Luck
  • Education & Expertise
  • Status

I’m confused why we demand from lecturers to give fair play treatment, such as providing relevant materials and showing a disciplined attitude, while on the other hand, lecturers can give unfair advantages such as industry connections, facilities, and involvement in a project.

Champions don’t do extraordinary things, they do ordinary things, just without thinking. just without thinking, so fast that the opposing team doesn’t have time to react. They follow the habits they have learned.

The Importance of Habits

Most of the choices we make on a daily basis may feel like the result of making well-considered decisions, but they are not. Those choices they are habits.

What’s the first app you open on your phone or laptop? Instagram? Whatsapp? Facebook? Do you realize you are choosing to open it? When you hear the notification ringtone, what comes to mind?

Habits, scientists say, arise because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort.

How to Start


Habits are a gradual circle of three signs, routines, and rewards. The Golden Rule of Habit Change: We cannot eliminate bad habits, we can only change them. How it Works: Use the same signs same signs, provide the same rewards, change the routine.


It’s okay not to have goals, just get your basic needs met first:

  • As humans we need to work to make ends meet
  • As an unemployed person, we need hard skills to perform our duties.
  • As a game developer we need to make games
  • As a student we need …. for personal goals after graduation
  • Study
    • by taking the time
    • by utilizing existing facilities
  • Open up opportunities
    • by showing yourself
    • by involving yourself

Four Rules of Behavior Change

  • making it visible (clues),
  • make it attractive (arousal),
  • make it easy (response), and
  • make it satisfying (reward)

Progammer habits

  • Pragmatic about features
  • Continuous learning (stay up to date)
  • Building second brain

Problem Solving

LR flowchart
	Input --> Process
	Process --> Output

Day to Day Programmer

  • Design - Documentation - Testing
    • If you think the programmer’s job is coding, it’s not right. Coding is a handyman’s job, making applications is a foreman’s job, programmers are like architects, developing applications.

Unity Components


  • Can control yourself

Don’t let emotions make decisions.

  • Can measure the impact/end of our daily decisions (habit)

Every action has consequences.

  • Can prioritize our actions

Take notes.

  • Can understand any action in life is take-and-give (win-win)

Nothing is free. A relationship depends on value exchange.

  • Can understand the needs and perspectives of others

The world doesn’t run on our terms.

  • Can synergize with others