The game industry is a challenging and complex field, and having the right mindset is crucial for survival and success. It’s important to have clear goals and start by giving our maximum effort, even if it seems small.

Here are some key mindsets to cultivate in order to thrive in the game industry:

Technical skills are not enough

While technical skills are important, they alone are not sufficient to make a living or build a career in the game industry. It requires a multidisciplinary approach and a combination of technical, artistic, and business skills.

Embrace a growth mindset

The game industry is constantly evolving, and challenges such as failure and uncertainty are inevitable. Embracing a growth mindset means seeing failures as opportunities for learning and improvement. It’s about being open to new ideas, continuously acquiring knowledge, and adapting to change.

Fail fast, learn fast

In the game industry, experiences are valuable assets. It’s important to iterate quickly and learn from failures. The more experience we gain, the better the quality of our work becomes.


Balance idealism with practicality

While it’s essential to have a vision and ideals, it’s equally important to consider the practical aspects of the business and the sustainability of the team. Being too idealistic without considering the business aspects can undermine what we build.

Dream with open eyes

If the context is to make a living from games, it’s essential to be open to various opportunities and aspects beyond our idealism. Having a realistic view and being open to diverse possibilities can help us navigate the industry more effectively.

Clear goals

Moving beyond personal projects

Many people create games solely to express their personal desires and ideas, which is not wrong but may not be sufficient for survival in the industry. It’s important to expand our knowledge and skills to create games that resonate with the market and meet the demands of players.

Set clear milestones

Defining detailed and specific milestones is crucial for achieving our goals. It helps us understand the desired outcomes, allocate time effectively, and determine the necessary actions to reach those milestones. Lack of discipline and setting wrong priorities can be obstacles to achieving these milestones.

The biggest challenges in building a game business

Financial costs

Financial constraints are often a significant challenge when starting or growing a game business. It’s essential to carefully manage costs and explore creative ways to secure funding.

Human resources

Building a skilled and dedicated team is crucial for producing high-quality games. Hiring and retaining talented individuals who share the same passion and vision can be a challenge but is essential for long-term success.

Time management

Efficient project management and timely delivery of games are crucial for the sustainability of a game business. Effectively managing time and resources, setting realistic deadlines, and prioritizing tasks are essential skills to cultivate.

Understanding our capabilities

Recognize our capabilities

Knowing our limitations in terms of resources, market research, and available opportunities is key to developing successful game products or services. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what we can achieve with the resources at hand and make the most of them.

Game business parallels other industries

While the game industry has its unique characteristics, building a game business shares many similarities with other industries. Understanding common business principles and adapting them to the game industry context can be beneficial.

Alternate revenue streams

Diversify income sources

Not all games have the opportunity to achieve massive success in the market. However, a career in the game industry doesn’t necessarily require creating a blockbuster IP. There are alternative ways to generate income and sustain a game business, such as selling games to new owners, developing games for clients, or selling game assets.

Key takeaways

Embrace failure as a learning opportunity

In the game industry, failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. Each failure provides valuable lessons that can inform future decisions and improve our work. Embracing failure as a learning experience is essential for growth.

There is no substitute for hard work

While working smart is important, it cannot replace hard work. Building games requires dedication, perseverance, and putting in the necessary hours to refine and polish our creations. Success in the game industry comes from a combination of talent, effort, and determination.

Building a sustainable game studio is challenging

Creating games is already a complex endeavor, but building a game studio that can sustain itself is an even greater challenge. It requires effective management, strong leadership, and a clear understanding of the business side of the industry.

Diversify revenue streams

Relying on a single source of income is risky in any business, including the game industry. To ensure long-term success, it’s important to diversify revenue streams. This can involve exploring various avenues such as game sales, licensing intellectual property, developing games for clients, or even creating and selling game-related merchandise.

In conclusion, having the right mindset is essential for surviving and thriving in the game industry. It requires a combination of technical skills, a growth mindset, a balanced approach between idealism and practicality, clear goals, and the ability to adapt to challenges. Building a game business comes with its own set of challenges, including financial constraints, human resource management, and effective time management. However, by recognizing our capabilities, embracing failure, and diversifying our revenue streams, we can increase our chances of success in this dynamic and competitive industry.
