When presenting your game to publishers, the primary objective of your pitch is to effectively communicate your game and convince stakeholders of its grand vision. Understanding the types of game pitch decks and the key components that publishers expect can significantly enhance your chances of securing their interest and support.

Types of Game Pitch Decks:

  1. Presenting pitch deck: This type of pitch is used for direct presentations to individuals or groups and should be concise and straightforward.
  2. Sent-out pitch deck: This pitch is indirectly sent via email and should provide more extensive information to compensate for the absence of direct interaction.

Key Components of a Game Pitch:

  1. Game Summary: This section should contain the game’s concept, game design elements, and sample artwork. It serves as a snapshot of what your game is all about.
  2. Cost, Opportunities, and Production Roadmap: This component outlines the potential profitability, marketing strategies, key milestones, and budget allocation for the game’s production.
  3. Team Profile: Highlight the achievements or relevant portfolio of your team members to showcase their expertise and experience.

Pro Tips:

  1. Unique Game Concept and Market Potential: Publishers are more likely to engage with games that offer unique experiences, although they also bear higher risks. Publishers will be interested in your game if it has a market demand.
  2. Understand Player Motivation: Clearly explain the objectives and factors that will captivate players. What makes your game compelling and attractive?
  3. Showcase Engaging Game Art: Include the best key points of your game art to convey the vibe and visual appeal of your game.
  4. Know Your Market Position: Understand the competitive landscape and highlight how your game stands out within the market of similar games. Ensure it is advantageous.
  5. Committed Development Team: Demonstrate that you have a dedicated full-time development team committed to your game project.

Basic Rule of Thumb:

  1. Grab Attention Early: Ensure the most captivating aspects of your game are presented within the first 1-2 minutes of your pitch to capture the publisher’s interest.
  2. Emphasize Fun and Appeal: Clearly explain why your game is fun and what makes it appealing to players.
  3. Appropriate Scope and Pricing: Convince publishers that your game has a suitable scope and reasonable pricing by explaining the costs and opportunities involved.
  4. Highlight Team Achievements: Introduce the track record and accomplishments of your team members to establish their capability to deliver the game.


Crafting an effective game pitch requires careful attention to the expectations of publishers. By incorporating the suggested components and adhering to the provided tips, you can enhance your chances of successfully pitching your game and securing the support of a publisher. Remember, a compelling pitch can significantly impact the trajectory of your game’s development and success in the competitive gaming industry.
